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Successful Participation of BankDhofar at COMEX 2022

Six of BankDhofar booth visitors got the chance to win valuable prizes.

BankDhofar has concluded its participation at COMEX 2022 successfully which was held during the period 23 – 25 May 2022.

The largest Technology, Communications, Innovation and Digital Transformation show in the Sultanate, brought together leading technology companies that display their digital solution. BankDhofar’s booth at the exhibition saw large turnout, and the advanced digital banking solutions were well received by the visitors. BankDhofar introduced the features of the Mobile Banking App to the visitors. Non BankDhofar customers may benefit from the App through opening Mobile Wallet account, from which they may transfer amounts internationally through Western Union. Not only that, BankDhofar booth visitors were able to open BankDhofar accounts and get their debit card instantly. The Bank issued PayStickers instantly as well. The PayStikers enables customers to enjoy convenient highly secured payment transactions. Additionally, the Bank showcased its Multi-Function Kiosk, which will enable customers to conduct various banking transactions including, for example, printing account statement and printing cheque books.

On the last day of the exhibition, the Bank conducted a prize draw for BankDhofar booth visitors, where 6 lucky winners got the chance to win valuable prizes.

BankDhofar puts technology and innovation at the core of its strategy to improve the experience of its customers. The Bank is constantly keeping pace with the technological developments while designing new products and services to ensure convenient banking experience for customers. Customers may conduct their transactions at ease and around the clock through the highly-secured and user-friendly digital banking channels.

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