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BankDhofar Celebrates New Academic Year with “Back to School” Campaign

Instagram Competition with a total cash prize of OMR 500 (10 winners / OMR 50 each)
Make a difference by donating through BankDhofar’s Mobile Banking App

Coinciding with the new academic year, BankDhofar launched its “Back to School” Campaign. The campaign translates BankDhofar’s interest and support to school students who represent one of the important segments in the society, as well as the teachers.

Commenting on that, Aziz Sulaiman Al Harrasi, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications at BankDhofar, noted: “We would like to congratulate all the teachers and students and we wish them all the best. With the new academic year, we opted to engage with the community through the “Back to School” Instagram competition. Additionally, we encourage our customers to make a difference for the students who are need of support by donating through our Mobile Banking App.”

As part of the campaign, BankDhofar encourages the community to make a difference for the students by donating through BankDhofar’s Mobile Banking App. Additionally, the Bank launched a competition through its Instagram page, providing the participants a chance to win valuable cash prizes. The competition, which was launched on 26 August, runs through 31 August 2022. All the participants need to do is to follow BankDhofar’s Instagram page (, mention 3 accounts on the competition post, and get the chance to win valuable cash prizes. At the end of the competition, 10 winners will be selected randomly to win OMR 50 each.

BankDhofar is one of the best banks in the region, catering to customers’ needs and requirements, and setting the standard for the best customer experience within the banking industry in the Sultanate through innovative products and creative solutions. Following best international banking practices, provision of outstanding customer experience, in addition to its commitment to community development and contribution to the growth of the national economy, has placed BankDhofar at the top of the list of best banks in the region. The Bank endeavors to promote positive communication and retain sustainable relationship with its customers through various channels including its social media accounts.

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