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BankDhofar Banking Partner of OER Business Summit

As one of the leading financial institutions in the Sultanate, BankDhofar was the “Banking Partner” of OER Business Summit 2023. The high-profile summit was recently held under the auspices of His Excellency Shaikh Salim Mustahail Al Mashani.

The summit brought together business leaders and experts from various business sectors to share knowledge and insights. This year’s edition of the summit focused on ways of augmenting revenues from alternative sources and by way of diversification in areas of strength to achieve the economic growth objective. The discussion panel titled “Business resilience in a fragile global economy” shed light on business areas related to building business resilience, attracting Foreign Direct Investment, technology usage and digitalization, Growth Enablers, Sustainability and Governance, among other areas of concern. Vikesh Mirani, Chief Financial Officer at BankDhofar participated in the panel discussion and shared his thoughts and experience in this area.

Commenting on that, Vikesh Mirani, Chief Financial Officer at BankDhofar said: “On a global scale, the banking sector is one of the important business sectors that help to fund economic operations, create employment opportunities, and maintain financial stability. BankDhofar has been playing a crucial role and has contributed effectively in driving the growth of the national economy, as we have set our strategy to be in line with Oman Vision 2040. The OER Business Summit 2023 was a good platform to share thoughts and insights with practitioners about this important topic.”

BankDhofar has set a clear banking strategy that is in line with Oman Vision 2040, and has effectively contributed to driving the growth of the national economy. Since its inception in 1990, BankDhofar has established itself as one of the leading financial institutions in the Sultanate, with a strong presence in Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, Treasury and Project Finance.

The Bank has been catering to customers’ needs and requirements, and setting the standard for the best customer experience within the banking industry in the Sultanate through innovative products and creative solutions. Following best international banking practices, the provision of outstanding customer experience, in addition to its commitment to community development and contribution to the growth of the national economy, has placed BankDhofar at the top of the list of best banks in the region.

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