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Children Account

Secure your child’s future with BankDhofar Children’s Account, designed specifically to help you pave their path to success.

  • Age: new born to 13 years old
  • No minimum balance fees
  • Flexible recurring deposit
  • Monthly financial assistance through social protection program

Recognizing the significance of instilling sound saving habits in children early on, we believe in fostering financial responsibility from a young age. By opening a BankDhofar Children’s Account, you have the opportunity to impart the importance of financial awareness and aid in the development of responsible financial practices that will prove advantageous throughout their lifetime. This account serves as a solid foundation for your children's future savings, whether intended for their education or long-term aspirations. Embrace this secure and trustworthy method to pave the way for a prosperous financial journey for your children.

Apply for a Children Account now 

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