Office: 24726338
GSM: 99383443
The Bank has in place an updated Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Plan document. Various steps have been taken for the Business Continuity implementation. Business Continuity Plan addresses the risks inherent with unexpected business interruptions. Business Continuity strategy has been designed to make sure that its systems and procedures are capable to meet disaster situations. Technical, functional and other safety drills are conducted periodically to ensure that our preparedness aims at resuming the critical operations within the shortest possible time and with minimal disruptions, under defined scenarios.
As part of Business Continuity Testing, Bank-wide Disaster Recovery Drill is undertaken to ensure that customer data core processing and other sub-systems are tested. Testing results along with gaps/suggestions are discussed in Business Continuity meetings and appropriate action is taken.
Bank has a Disaster Recovery Site, where data is mirrored and server backups are stored off-site and transaction logs are copied regularly. Internal Audit undertakes annual audit review and suggests recommendations for improvement. The Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan are updated regularly and contact details of Key personnel dealing with implementation of Business Continuity are provided below:
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